Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A "Healthy Choice" for Lunch

I'm usually not one to write about a specific product but I just have to let you know about my new lunchtime favorite - the "Healthy Choice" steamers. It's one of those frozen lunch entrees you can actually feel good about eating.
I stocked up on a bunch of them a couple of weeks ago when I found them on sale at Albertsons for $1.88 each. There are a number of different cuisines available and so far, I haven't found one that I didn't like. They only take about 3 minutes to heat in the microwave but be warned, you'll hear some interesting pops and squeaks as your meal "steams."
They smell great when they're cooking and I had someone remark today as they were walking by the microwave where I was cooking my lunch "That smells really good."
Unfortunately, my officemate didn't agree with that opinion. We share a small office so whether we like it or not, we're each subject to whatever food smells we bring with us during the day- good or bad. As I was sitting at my desk, eating my pasta with  Roasted Pepper Marinara Sauce and minding my own business she sniffed and asked "What's that?" I proudly told her it was my Healthy Choice steamer and she said "It smells like feet." I certainly didn't agree with her assessment, even though I did sniff my meal a couple of times just to make sure.
Whoever designed these meals did a great job because my pasta wasn't gluey and soggy and the sauce was just as good as what I'd find in our local Italian restaurant. I was pretty satisfied when I finished. And yes, those are chopsticks you see in the photo. I keep a reusable set in my desk drawer and use them for lunch whenever possible (unless I'm eating yogurt, which would be quite the feat to master). I find that by using chopsticks I have to slow down and actually taste and enjoy my meal - which is sometimes hard to do when you're eating at your desk and your work is just calling to you.
So, good job Healthy Choice. And if you'd care to send me a case to taste test, I'd be happy to do so.

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