Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Too Many Tomatoes

Right now in my garden I have an abundance of tomatoes - actually an overabundance if I'm to be truthful. Earlier this summer when I looked at my tomato plants loaded with green tomatoes I found myself sending up a prayer to the tomato gods to please, please ripen my tomatoes. My prayers were answered two weeks ago when it seems that every tomato in the garden ripened on the same day.
Eating that first tomato of the season is always a thrill for me. A ripe tomato just screams "summer" like nothing else can. Now, with an evergrowing pile of tomatoes in my kitchen, I'm still screaming- but it's a different scream now. It's "please tell me what to do with all these tomatoes."
Yes, I've made salsa. I've slapped tomatoes on every sandwich that I make. I've even stooped to having an "LT" sandwich (lettuce and tomato) and even a "T" sandwich (just tomatoes). I've eaten tomatoes with my fried eggs for breakfast (a favorite of my mother's).
I know I should bring some of them to work to give away, but since everyone else with a garden has the same idea I probably can't even give them away. So I keep looking for easy, inventive ways to use my tomato bounty.
This recipe is one that I'd file under "Super Quick, Super Easy and Super Tasty" (if I had a recipe box). It's a nice side dish for burgers, steaks or chicken. I even eat it as a meal with a nice slice of crusty bread.
Tomato Cucumber Salad
2 large tomatoes, chopped
1 small cucumber, chopped
1/4 C chopped red onion
1/4 C Italian salad dressing (sure, I could make my own, but this is easier and cheaper in the long run)
1/4 C shaved Parmesan cheese (I used a paring knife to just shave off small slices)

Mix tomatoes, cucumbers, onion and cheese in a bowl. Pour salad dressing over the vegetables and mix thoroughly. Season to taste with salt and pepper. If you're patient, you can let this salad sit for 15 minutes or so to let the flavors marry, but I can never wait that long and it still tastes great.

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